Do your beliefs align with your actions??

Himanshu Shekhar
2 min readOct 28, 2021

Say it, believe it, do it….it’s the only way to accomplish success.

Just to start with, humans are only creatures endowed with the power of expression that is talking and rational thinking. But do we really do justice to this blessing? We say something that we don’t believe in, we don’t mean. Our thoughts are reflected in our words and actions. Are we watching out for our thoughts? Are we saying things we firmly believe in?

99% of people don’t. They say things they don’t mean or believe in. In a way, it’s just blabbering and also misleading. It may seem a trivial thing but trust me aligned goals make a huge impact on your life.

What exactly do I mean by “aligned goals”? We humans and our life is the sum total of our thoughts, beliefs and actions. Our thoughts are the food we feed to our minds and soul. Our beliefs shape our thoughts and actions. So, when all three of them are not in a line or the same direction, life is surely in chaos. We fail to direct our life towards a certain goal. When we are so doubtful how can we stir our lives towards a definite goal?

If your words and actions don’t align, they are valueless. There are instances when you think and feel, were they my words? I’m sure you might have experienced this.

It’s crucial to align your beliefs and actions to accomplish your set goals. An unsigned life is like a boat without a sail, just directionless. Actions without belief are worthless. Back your actions with belief, you will see life-changing for good.

I come across people who complain about an unfulfilling life. They fail to understand where they are going wrong. But it’s high time to realise the power of aligned goals in life. It’s only when you are certain of your goals, you will focus your energy and actions towards its accomplishment. Or else life will continue to be in anarchy and chaos.

There are few hacks you can apply to align your goals

● Keep a check on your thoughts. Nurture your mind with positive thoughts. Your thoughts are who you are.

● Let your true thoughts reflect in your actions.

● Have a belief system. Believe in yourself and your actions firmly.

● Think before speaking, speak what you believe in.

● Choose your words consciously.

● Be conscious and aware of your actions.

● Check and re-check if your words, goals and actions are aligning or not?

Summarizing my thoughts, it’s so very essential to live a life with aligned thoughts, goals and actions only then you can live a life of your wishes. Let your life be the true reflection of your wishes…

